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Unser Haus -"our House"

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My Pentecost Sermon, 2019
Grace Lutheran Church
Norfolk, NE

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Riggs Beer Company
Great beer brewed in Champaign county
by a German brewmaster

Rev. Jeff McPike was born in 1960 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduated from Martinsville High School (Indiana) in 1979, Purdue University (BS-EET 1984) and Concordia Theological Seminary (MDiv 1988). He has served as associate pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Norfolk NE, and has been a Chaplain at Carle Foundation Hospital since 2000, as well as PRN at Presence Covenant Medical Center (2003 to 2013), both in Urbana, Illinois. He received Ecclesiastical Endorsement in Specialized Pastoral Ministry of the LCMS (2003), and is a Board Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains(2008). He and Sharon live in Philo, Illinois at Unser Haus. He has two children, Sara and Ryan. He owns and moderates PERICOPE, a preaching discussion group for pastors.
He enjoys travelling, having so far visited Canada, Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Austria and the Czech Republic.
He served as vacancy pastor at the former Zion Lutheran Church, ruual Hoskins, NE (1989), Immanuel Lutheran Church, Tilden, NE (1997-1999), St. John Lutheran Church, Buckley (2008) and is currently serving Immanuel Lutheran Church of Osman in Bellflower Township west of Fisher.

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