Luther Seal
Lutheran Catechism
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Welcome To the Adult Catechism Web Site!

This is where the handouts and soundclips can be found for the adult catechism class.

We welcome all who visit the web site to pursue this material.

This information is from a class that was taught at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Osman in 2014 by Rev. Jeffrey McPike. Classes can be selected from the table on the lower left. Because dates may vary and are flexible, you can select by the class number. The actual date will be included on the page.

Lesson 1: God's Word and Its Authority
Lesson 2: What does the Bible tell us about God? (Doctrine of God)
Lesson 3: What is our relationship to the God of the Bible (Creation)
Lesson 4: What went wrong in our relationship with God (The fall into sin)
Lesson 5: The effects of the fall into sin in our lives
Lesson 6: The Law of God
Lesson 7: The Ten Commandments: a Summary of God's Moral Law
Lesson 8: The Gospel
Lesson 9: Doctrine of Christ
Lesson 10: Doctrine of Christ, the Two States
Lesson 11: Means of Grace
Lesson 12: Baptism
Lesson 13: Holy Communion
Lesson 14: Confession and Absolution
Lesson 15: The Church Worldwide