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Lutheran Doctrine
S-080 Basic Christian Doctrine
A Preseminary Class

Class 8 Chapter 7

Class MP3 File, covering last lesson's handout
This handout in pdf

For next week:

Chapter 8 — The Work of Christ

(Note: Although these questions arise from specific sections of the chapter, please allow the whole chapter to possibly supplement your answers.)


Discuss the ideas (be prepared to support with Bible verses) associated with the different images of Jesus as "Prophet" (Christ the Revealer).


Discuss the ideas (be prepared to support with Bible verses) associated with the different images of Jesus as "Priest" (Christ the Vicar and Victim).


Discuss the ideas (be prepared to support with Bible verses) associated with the different images of Jesus as "King" (Christ the Victor).


Discuss the ideas (be prepared to support with Bible verses) associated with the three images of God's saving activity (Rescue, Redemption, Re-birth).


What is the problem associatied with all attempts at explaining the "how" of the atonement?


Be prepared to discuss each of the four atonement motifs in connection with the identifying theologian.


Which atonement motif do you think stands behind, A Mighty Fortress?


Why does KOLB say it is blasphemy for a Christian to insist their sins still exist?


Describe the problem of Abelard?s atonement motif in terms of our Lutheran presuppositions.


Jesus' "tomb is the only place in God's creation into which the Father does not look." What point is KOLB making. Also, connect with Rom. 6:3-11; Col. 2:11-15).









Deut. 18:15-18

"revelation under the form of opposites"

Suffering Servant

High Priest




"Kingdom of Power"

"Kingdom of Grace"

"Kingdom of Glory"

"Atonement motif"

Christus Victor

"vicarious satisfaction", satisfactio vicaria

"joyous exchange"







Modified: 9-25-02
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