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Lutheran Doctrine
S-080 Basic Christian Doctrine
A Preseminary Class

Class 16 Chapter 15
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For next week:

Chapter 16— The Church

(Note: Although these questions arise from specific sections of the chapter, please allow the whole chapter to possibly supplement your answers.)


At the bottom of page 257, KOLB distinguishes between what the church is and what it is not. Mark this distinction and reflect.


Relate the twofold rights/responsibility of priest to the name pontifex. How is this related to the two kinds of righteousness.


What is the chief function of the distinction between the invisible and visible church? What is necessary for its practical application? (a "biblical understanding of . . .")


Why does KOLB claim "hidden" and "revealed" may be a "more precise contrast"? Also, note how KOLB defines the referent for the term, "church," when describing the "hidden" and the "revealed" and the "audible," "tangible," and "tastable."


How do Law and Gospel each find their particular role in the church?


List the five ways the church responds to God's Word and the two passive characteristics.


Into what two functions does KOLB summarize the Church's worship?


What function does the "liturgical structure" perform? What freedom is offered?


Discuss the significance of "ritual" in relation to the liturgy.


Discuss how congregational worship relates to "worship outside it" (also list 3 forms).


"Believers live as missionaries at all times." Discuss. Relate to believers? words and deeds.


What is the "edifying" aim of both the public proclamation by called leaders and the "mutual edification" of believers? What are the means for achieving this end?


According to Matthew 18:15-18 (and KOLB, page 265), what are the four steps of discipline?


To what is the church's function marked by the naming of deacons compared?


What are the two sources of suffering for the church? How does it respond?


List the five "temptations" of the church. What is the implication of the consequent need for the Gospel.


What are the four marks of the church according to the creed? The two marks according to the Lutheran confessions?


Relate forms of civil government with ecclesiastical parallels (3).


Why does Scripture not prescribe a form of church government? (I want a 6 word quote)


How does Troeltsch distinguish between church and sect?


Discuss the roots of American denominationalism.


What is one of the results of the Fundamentalist-Modernist debates of the 19th century?


What is the purpose for seeking harmony in life and unity in witness.


Reflect on the different approaches to "unity in witness" by those who suggest the need for confessional lines drawn between church-bodies and those who suggest the priority of a single organization.


How does this distinction inform our response to para-church organizations as well as questions of Church-Fellowship and the Ecumenical Movement? (Include comment on "altar and pulpit fellowship" and "youth and in "foreign mission")




invisible church

visible church

hidden church

revealed church






World Council of Churches

"reconciled diversity"








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