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Lutheran Doctrine
S-080 Basic Christian Doctrine
A Preseminary Class

Class 1 Introduction:
Date: 9-5-02

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Kolb: Chapter 1

Course Description: This course is designed to assist the student in gaining the basic understanding of Christian doctrine which is prerequisite for the study of theology at the seminary level.

Course Objectives: The students will:


Grow in their knowledge and understanding of...

___some basic articles of the Christian Faith as taught within Lutheranism
___ the Biblical foundation of Lutheran Doctrine
___ some key historical persons and movements in theology
___ some of the technical terms and phrases ( Eng., Lat., Germ.) used in theology



Improve their skills at...

___ reading theological literature in a discerning manner
___ assessing and discussing theology from a Lutheran perspective
___ using the Confessional Lutheran writings devotionally



Cultivate an attitude of...
___ reverence for theology as the practical application of God's Word
___ appreciation for the Church's teaching as exposition of God's Word
___ gratitude to God for the gift of His Son as the Incarnation of the Word


Required Texts:
Kolb, Robert The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition ( St. Louis, CPH, 1993).

Other Texts:
The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Robert Kolb and Timothy Wengert, eds. ( Minneapolis: Fortress 2000).

Muller, Richard A. A Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms Drawn Principally from Protestant Scholastic Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1985)

A Confessing Theology for Postmodern Times, Michael S. Horton, ed. (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2000)

Doing Theology in Today's World: Essays in Honor of Kenneth S. Kantzer. John D Woodbridge and Tom Edward McComisky, eds. ( Grand Rapids:Zondervan, 1991).

Five Views on Law and Gospel. Greg L. Bahnsen, ed (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996)

Four Views on Sanctification. Melvin E. Dieter, ed. (Grand Rapids:Zondervan, 1996).

Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World. John Hick, Dennis L. Okholm and Timothy R. Phillips, eds. ( Grand Rapids:Zondervan, 1996).

One chapter per week. There are 18 chapters, which will make 18 weeks instead of the 15 originally advertised. That might be modified as we get into it and find out how much discussion there actually is!

Meeting Times:
Thursdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

For next week: - Chapter 1

(Note: Although these questions arise from specific sections of the chapter, please allow the whole chapter to possibly supplement your answers.)


What two facts are offered in support of the thesis, "God likes to talk"?


What is the "very core"(provides the "core orientation") of the human being?


We gain a sense of what three things from the object of our trust? (definitions?, examples?)


What significance is drawn by the two terms "believer" and "disciple"? What is not drawn?


"We do not create the objects of our faith" Explain.


Discuss the relationship between "doctrine" and relationships.


What is "the whole life of the teacher of the church"? Why?


Why is "How much doctrine must be pure if one is to remain a Christian?" a wrong kind of question?


Discuss the relationship between presuppositions and "conceptual framework."


Identify and discuss briefly the tree presuppositions of Lutheran theology.




















Read 2 Kings 5:1-14. How does this account relate to the theology of the cross?


Terms and People


fides quae [creditur]

fides qua [creditur]



Teaching, Doctrine, doctrina (2)

"verbal noun"

"Law and Gospel"

"Articles of Faith"; Topics; Loci

kerygma and didache


"string of pearls"


"body of doctrine", corpus doctrinae

Erik Erikson

Martin Luther

Philip Melanchthon

C.F. W. Walter

Ludwig Feurbach

John Calvin




"new birth"

finite non capax infiniti ("the finite is not capable of the infinite")

"Two Kinds of Righteousness"

"Two Kingdoms"(two modes of rule)

"Theology of the Cross" (theologia crucis)

"The hidden God"; deus abscoditus

"The revealed God"; deus revelatus

"natural theology"



Ontology (not in ch I, see dictionary)

"The Joyous Exchange"







Modified: 9-25-02
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